First Name : Luis
Last Name : Marquez
State : OR
Approx. Age : 55
Tags :
Portland Antifa
If Rose City Antifa has a leader, it's Marquez. He runs his own little cell within Portland's Antifa community and has been seen at many Portland riots. In 2020, he traveled to CHAZ in Seattle and was filmed trying to choke a street preacher. He was boning former Proud Girl and sometimes Antifa Ara Moses (Almosa Sorbeah) for a while. According to Sobeah, he still calls her from time-to-time to see if she's still single. He accumulated a serious criminal record in the '90s but his Portland rioting arrests appear to have been dismissed. Marquez' age in the original report is wrong. He was born in May '72. (CHAZ) "How I Became the Most Hated Activist", by Ara Moses, pp 110-113, Kindle ed.