Reports Found : 161
Number Pages : 9
First Name : Apryl
Last Name : Alexander
State : CO
Approx. Age : 39
Tags : Leadership
She's a forensic psychologist and professor at the University of Denver who admitted participating in George Floyd riots. She said her face burned for days from the tear gas. In a podcast Alexander claimed that vandalism doesn't count as violence so a protest with vandalism isn't violent and shouldn't be called a riot. She later sued the city for supposed injuries suffered at the protest. She was a Denver BLM leader and claims the chapter is attempting to reach out to "non-traditional" and LGBTQ families. She suddenly stepped down from her leadership role in 2021 during a sexual assault scandal involving a Denver school board member and her BLM chapter. Alexander was appointed to a police oversight board after the George Floyd riots.,,,
First Name : Nadine
Last Name : Bloch
State : DC
Tags : Leadership
She's described by media sources as a long-time activist. In the early 2000s she was active with groups known as the Direct Action Network and the Rukus Society and organized WTO protests. Bloch organized DC's anti-WTO protest in 2000. Additionally, she was fleet coordinator for Greenpeace's fleet of pirate ships. In 2018, Bloch and her daughter Margot were arrested for disrupting Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing. She's also a member of Shut Down DC, a radical group that attempted to literally shut down DC's streets in late 2021. Bloch organized an illegal protest in front of SCOTUS justice Brett Kavanaugh's home in 2021. In reference to 1/6 she was quoted as saying, "The true terrorism is on the side of the right wing that is currently in Washington, D.C., [for the March for Trump], blatantly brandishing weapons, calling for harm against ordinary people, activists and police. " In June 2022, Bloch was interviewed and seemed to endorse violence: "“We’re not in the business of telling people what to do. We are in the business of pointing out the structural violence of the system. If people don’t like other people’s tactics, fix the system. We’re not going to condemn those other tactics.” She's a puppet maker and artist and has designed puppets for protests. She works training protesters at Beautiful Trouble. Bloch is believed to live in Washington, DC. (SCOTUS Protest),
First Name : Sophia
Last Name : Geiger
State : MD
Approx. Age : 19
Twitter :
Tiktok :
Tags : Leadership
She's a radical and member of Shutdown DC who describes herself as a "Intersectional Climate Justice Activist". She's also an organizer for Fridays For Future DC, a youth environmentalist group. Her political interests seem to revolve around "climate change" and abortion. Geiger wants Biden to declare a climate emergency. She was one of the participants in an illegal demonstration in front of SCOTUS justice Brett Kavanaugh's home in late 2021 and was interviewed. Geiger also participated in Shutdown DC's December 2021 protest to literally shutdown the Capitol's streets in order to protest for various left-wing causes. Geiger's TikTok feed is filled with numerous left-wing videos and she seems to be having a blast making them. She lives in the DC suburb of Silver Spring, probably with her parents. (SCOTUS Protest) (Shut Down DC Protest)
First Name : Christopher
Last Name : Guillott
State : TX
Twitter :
Tags : Leadership Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club
the person running the @EFJBGC account is Chris Guillott, a Dallas based photographer twitter ID 903657379291693057, previous usernames 'marxofpeace' and 'Texploration_' The Texploration_ one lists his name and photo. Google shows he's a photographer in dallas. tweet archives for the 3 accounts here Full name: Chirstopher Paul Guillot, DOB: 06/20/89. He was the instigator of most of the attacks on conservatives at the University of North Texas (UNT) in 2021-22. The JBGC defaced the apartment of the UNT Young Conservatives leader, calling her a Nazi c**t. They also doxxed the lady and her parents. In addition to his work as a photographer. He lives in an apartment in the Dallas suburb of Lewisville with his wife and a few roommates. He seems to be from Missouri originally. He was arrested at an April 2023 drag show in Fort Worth for assaulting a cop. arrested 2 months ago. He has a new Twitter account currently working at a "Floor & Decor" in The Colony, TX.
First Name : Mickyel
Last Name : Bradford
State : GA
Approx. Age : 31
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Mickyel Leonte Bradford, aka “Micky Bee”, (DOB: 11/12/90) is a M>F tranny who was present at a transsexual protest that blocked the street in front of the North Carolina governor's mansion in 2016. Five radicals were arrested at the event. The trannies were upset that North Carolina women don’t want men using the ladies’ room. Some sources claim Bradford organized the protest. Bradford co-founded the Southern Fried Queer Pride festival and was grand marshal at Atlanta's 2018 Pride parade. We normally wouldn’t bother reporting run of the mill liberal transsexuals but the 2016 protest he allegedly organized was designed to intimidate the governor and the protesters intentionally blocked city streets. It works for the Transgender Law Center and is affiliated with Southerners on New Ground. Bradford apparently has difficulty managing its finances as it has several state income tax liens. Bradford's father was in the military and Bradford was born in Germany. Its Pa may have been in special ops as he was stationed at Fort Bragg and Fort Campbell. I bet Ranger dad is really proud of his "daughter". Bradford claims to idolize '80s pop singer and movie star Grace Jones to whom it bears a striking resemblance. It lives with momma in her half million dollar home in Lawrenceville in the Atlanta area., (Lots of great fashion ideas for transsexuals)
First Name : Monica
Last Name : Cannon-Grant
State : MA
Approx. Age : 41
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
She's a Boston BLM member who was arrested in June 2022 for defrauding donors, lying on a mortgage application, and illegally collecting an estimated $100,000 in pandemic unemployment benefits. Her husband Clark was also indicted. Cannon-Grant runs a non-profit known as Violence in Boston. According to her indictment, the group raked in over $1 mil. From donors. She's the CEO of the organization and paid herself a $170,000 salary in 2021. Cannon-Grant has organized dozens of left-wing protests in Boston since the George Floyd period. She said in a podcast, "F**k the police, F**k the police, F**k the police. I'll organizer 45,000 mother-f**kers to be on your front lawns." She also made racist comments about black people who marry white people and called a Black Republican politician a "house negro". Massachusetts Democrats refused to distance themselves from Cannon-Grant after her video went viral. She lives in either the Dorchest neighborhood of Boston or Taunton, Massachusetts., (Interesting)
First Name : Clyanna
Last Name : Lightbourn
State : NY
Approx. Age : 34
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Clyanna "Kiki" Eugenia Lightbourn (DOB: 02/27/98) is the co-founder of an upstate New York BLM chapter who was charged with multiple crimes for releasing hundreds of Madagascar hissing cockroaches into an Albany courtroom during her arraignment. She was charged with disorderly conduct, obstruction of governmental administration, tampering with physical evidence, criminal contempt and resisting arrest. Her arraignment was for actions at a rent protest. Lightbourn apparently organized the cockroach protest although it's unclear if she released the roaches. In addition to the criminal charges, the county prosecutor said he will seek restitution for the cost of fumigating the courthouse. She's affiliated with the Emma Willard school which is a 200 year old high brow private girls school and has given left-wing seminars on campus. Lightbourn has degrees in psychology and worked for the New York Senate Democratic Conference Services Office. She was fired after the cockroach incident which is surprising. Perhaps the New York Dems thought some of the cockroaches were their relatives. Lightbourn previously worked as a counselor for a LGBTQ.... group. She lives in a dumpy apartment in Troy, New York near Albany.,,, (yawn)
First Name : Dante
Last Name : Strobino
State : NC
Approx. Age : 40
Twitter :
Youtube :
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Dante Emmanueal Strobino (DOB:12/22/81) is a self-described Marxist-Leninist who was arrested at a 2010 Wake County school board meeting at a protest against ending a busing program. He was one of the organizers of the event. The protesters were mostly school children who sat down in the middle of the meeting and clapped and yelled chants. He was charged with trespassing in the incident. Strobino was arrested again in 2017 for destroying a Confederate statue in front of the Durham county courthouse. The "action" began as a vigil against "white supremacy". He was charged with participation in a riot with property damage (felony), inciting others to riot, injury to personal property, injury to real property and defacing or injuring a public monument. Unfortunately, his charges were dropped after one of the other defendants was acquitted. In June 2020, he took his infant daughter to a Durham BLM protest even though a "peaceful" protest in Durham a few days earlier turned into a violent riot. He was interviewed on camera and during the video his daughter verbalized "blah, blah, blah, blah" numerous times which is pretty much just repeating what her daddy said. He was affiliated with Fight Imperialism - Stand Together, a radical student group that appears to currently (2022) be inactive. Strobino is a field organizer for the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America. He also writes columns for the Marxist Workers World website. He should ask his bosses for a raise since he makes $63K each year while organizers in the PNW make around $100K. He owns a crappy little house in Durham where he lives with his SO and his toddler.,,,
First Name : Erin
Last Name : Cochran
State : TX
Approx. Age : 35
Instagram :
Twitter :
Reddit :
Tags : Leadership Socialist Rifle Assocation Austin SRA
Erin Cochran (birth name Joe and also used the name Jo) is a transsexual and president of the national SRA chapter and former liaison of the Austin TX chapter [1][5]. Erin (Joe) claims to be a tech worker and seems to be the current maintainer or the SRA website [3] in addition to being the president of the national chapter as of writing this report [5]. Erin is a self proclaimed "queer abolitionist anarchist" and his preferred pronouns are "they/them" [4]. Erin also seems to be have an affinity for reading transgender poetry and Anarchist literature (such as The Anti-Fascist Handbook by Mark Bray)[6]. Erin also has an affinity for punk rock and related genres often with Anarchist themes[7]. [1] SRA page listing the individuals in leadership positions. Erin is listed as the president. [2] Erin's Gitlab profile page under the kvuzet username. [3] Gitlab page showing the timeline and frequency of commit activity to the SRA website repository. [4] Erin's personal website with links to his social media profiles. He also claims to be a "queer abolitionist anarchist". [5] Erin's Keybase profile claiming to be president of the SRA and contains links to his other social media profiles. [6] Erin's Goodreads page under the kvuzet username. He lists himself as Jo and judging by the profile picture and other online breadcrumbs this was likely his name he went by while transitioning. Under favorites section there is the Antifa book by Mark Bray, an Anarchist extremist, demonstrating an endorsement of the Antifa ideology. Additionally literature with transsexual themes are prevalent. [7] Erin's Bandcamp page under the kvuzet username. Erin's Github page. Deleted Tweet Archives
First Name : DeRay
Last Name : McKesson
State : MD
Approx. Age : 36
Twitter : (Inactive & X-Rated)
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
DeRay M. McKesson (DOB: 07/09/85) is a Baltimore BLM activist who attended and videoed many of the St. Louis area riots in 2014 and may have live-streamed the events. He was arrested in 2015 at a sit-in at the Federal courthouse in St. Louis. McKesson was arrested again in 2016 at a largely peaceful riot held in memory of the death of some dude in Baton Rouge. He also attended a BLM protest in Wharton Texas in the middle of effing nowhere. While in Wharton, he toured a famous plantation, perhaps he has family ties? None of his criminal charges seem to have stuck as his only criminal record is for traffic violations. McKesson formerly worked as a school administrator before realizing there was more money in working as a full-time activist. He wrote a book titled, "On the Other Side of Freedom" which he convinced CRT theorist Ibram X. Kendi to shill. McKesson has a degree in government from prestigious Bowdoin College in Maine (he was reportedly the only black guy in Maine at the time:) ). He's probably gay as he Tweeted a photo-shopped picture of a young black guy with his penis near McKesson's mouth the the caption "I'm ready to eat lunch". In the photo, fellow BLM radical Johnetta Elize looked on with a smile on her face (see attached censored photo). He Tweeted an equally disgusting Tweet of a woman taking a dump while a sex toy was inserted in her anus! He lives with his gay homies in Baltimore's gayborhood of Mt. Vernon.,, (His videos of riots he attended)
First Name : Johnetta
Last Name : Elzie
State : MO
Approx. Age : 33
Twitter :
Tags : Leadership
Johnetta "Netta" Edwina Elzie (DOB: 04/16/89) was one of the leaders of the violent protests/riots in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 and a XXXL sized spokes-model for the BLM movement. Elzie was investigated by the FBI for her role in organizing the riots and claimed she had to move out of the St. Louis area due to trauma. She was later arrested at a 2015 sit-in at a St. Louis court house along with radical Cornel West but her charges appear to have been dropped. In 2017 she ripped an admittedly bad Pepsi commercial featuring Kendall Jenner as a black woman. She's an advocate of police reform but to her unlike many BLM she opposes complete abolition. She's another BLM activist who parlayed her fame from riots into $$. She was an Essence Magazine's cover girl in the late 2010s. Thankfully for the Essence editors, she wasn't paid by the pound. She seems to have lost, or possibly gained, a huge amount of weight in the past few years. She also seems to have changed her hairstyle from a ghetto look to a more mainstream one, perhaps to make herself more palatable to liberal whities. She appears to have moved to the D.C. area for a few years after the riots but may be back to her childhood home in Florissant. Her parent's house is obscured on Google maps so I assume she's had a lot of hate coming her way.,,
First Name : Kristin
Last Name : Szakos
State : VA
Tags : Leadership Politicians
Kristin Layng Szakos was a Charlottesville City Council Member who participated in the violent counter-protest to the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Szakos said she wasn't in "the middle" of the rally but stayed on the fringes to "avoid inflaming tensions". She was credited by the local newspaper for being one of the fist people to question the historical Confederate monuments in the city. She later became one of the leaders of the anti-statue movement in Charlottesville. She attended several anti-monument rallies in Richmond prior to UTR. Szakos trained to be a minister and then worked as a journalist prior to joining the city council. She claims to be the daughter of Mississippi civil rights workers.,,,
First Name : Jalene
Last Name : Schmidt
State : VA
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Schmidt was one of the organizers of the violent counter-protest to the Unite the Right rally. She was also one of the organizers of Charlottesville's BLM group and was called out by Jason Kessler prior to the rally. Schmidt even brought her own security detail to the riot. Despite her security precautions, she got scared and hid in a comic book shop. I suppose she knew Antifa would start violence. She was quoted as saying, "You have to disrupt stuff. This won’t be a nice forming of a book club and reading Ta-Nehisi Coates in the basement of our church. It’s about disrupting this and questioning the police.” Schmidt has been active in the movement to remove Confederate monuments from Virginia. She doesn't want to simply put the statues in a museum, she wants to melt them down She was sued for defamation by one of the members of the Monument Fund, a group that works to preserve historical monuments. Schmidt helpfully set up a website: to aid white people in overcoming their white supremacy. She's an associate professor of religious studies at UVA. Schmidt was raised a Mennonite but is now Roman Catholic.,
First Name : Malik
Last Name : Shabazz
State : MD
Approx. Age : 55
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership Black Identity Extremists
Malik Zulu Shabazz (DOB: 09/07/66) is a black nationalist who's so anti-Semitic and racist that even the extreme left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center acknowledges his extremism. He's more BLM than Antifa and probably wouldn't be seen at the same riot as whitey but his extremism aids the radical left. Shabazz served for a time as Chairman of the New Black Panther Party. He worked for the campaign of D.C.'s coke-head mayor Marion Barry but the far-left mayor fired Shabazz for being too radical. Shabazz organized a Freddy Gray protest in 2015 that turned violent. He's currently Chief Operating Officer at DC Cares. He's been quoted as saying, "Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets!" He lead an anti-Semitic call and response during a speech at Howard University in 1994. Shabazz is so notorious he was barred from entering Canada in 2007. Shabazz was born Paris Lewis but the name wasn't black enough so he changed it. He has a law degree from HBCU Howard University. Shabazz is too good to live with his DC homies and lives in a very nice McMansion worth nearly $1 mil. in Silver Spring, Maryland in a majority Asian neighborhood. The house would look at home on the 9th hole of a country club. Perhaps he figured out how to monetize black nationalism the same way BLM's leaders did.
First Name : Hunter
Last Name : Brown
State : KS
Approx. Age : 26
Tags : JBGC Leadership
Hunter A. Brown (DOB: 10/16/95) is a member of the John Brown Gun Club and the founder of the chapter based in Russell, Kansas. He claims to have spent his entire life in Kansas and is inspired by the bloody Civil War battles that took place between Kansas and Missouri. Brown has a degree in Agricultural management from Kansas State University but seems to have worked in mostly menial jobs. He lives in an apartment in the thriving metropolis of Manhattan ... Kansas.
First Name : Katrina
Last Name : Turner
State : VA
Approx. Age : 53
Twitter : (Inactive)
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Katrina Lynn Turner (10/30/68) is a BLM activist who participated in the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter protest with her son Timothy Porter where she claimed they "fought white supremacy". In 2020 she lead a victory rally in Charlottesville celebrating Trump's defeat. Turner was also at the anniversary of the UTR. She was a member of the Charlottesville Civilian Police Review Board for a while. Turner accused Charlottesville police of assaulting her son. She's an associate of fellow radical Rosia Parker ( with whom she's organized several protest marches. She's from Texas and was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in 1995 but was no-billed by the grand jury. She also has an arrest for theft by check. She filed for bankruptcy in 2000. Turner lives with her husband and several of her sons in a small house in Charlottesville. Turner is more radical BLM than Antifa but she's an Antifa ally.
First Name : Mimi
Last Name : Arbeit
State : MA
Approx. Age : 36
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Mimi Ruth Arbeit (DOB: 06/26/85) is a sex educator who participated in the violent counter-protest to the Unite the Right rally. Earlier that year, she helped her colleague Laura Goldblatt organize a counter-protest to a KKK rally in Charlottesville and she was interviewed by notorious Antifa journalist Sarah Jaffe ( about her experience. Arbeit describes herself as a "white academic, activist, antifascist, anti-racist queer femme, applied developmental psychologist, sexuality educator, and community organizer." She seems to specialize in adolescent sexuality and I'm sure the high school boys appreciate it. She co-wrote a paper on preventing "fascist" recruitment of youth in which she somewhat bizarrely claimed among other things that immunizing youth would reduce their susceptibility to fascist recruitment. She works as a professor at Suffolk University in Boston. Arbeit no longer maintains a residence in Charlottesville but nevertheless claims to split time between Boston and Charlottesville.
First Name : Laura
Last Name : Goldblatt
State : VA
Approx. Age : 37
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Laura Emily Goldblatt (DOB: 02/25/84) was allegedly one of the participants at the violent counter-protest to the 2017 Unite the Right rally. Earlier, she was one of the organizers of a July 2017 counter-protest to a Charlottesville Klan rally. Goldblatt was later interviewed by left-wing "journalist" Sarah Jaffe (, who at age 13 sued for the right to use morning after pills. In 2014, Goldblatt Tweeted, "I'm sorry that Rolling Stone felt the need to blame a rape victim for their poor journalistic practices." in response to Rolling Stone magazine's retraction of a fake news story which blamed a UVA fraternity for rape. Goldblatt was a post-doctoral fellow at UVA at the time of UTR and she currently (2022) works as an assistant professor at UVA. She lives in a small house down the street from where notorious Antifa member Molly Conger lives or used to live.,
First Name : Walter
Last Name : Heinecke
State : VA
Approx. Age : 62
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Walter Frederick Heinecke (DOB: 03/24/59) is a radical UVA education professor who helped organize the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter-protest. He's the person who obtained permits for the counter-demonstration. He had intended to hold a "nonviolent" direct action training the night before the rally but decided to confront the alt-right instead. He claims he was shocked by the number of "Nazis" and the lack of police. Heinecke became defensive after the rally and refused to cooperate with an independent review of the events. In 2018 he was in Berkeley visiting relatives when he heard there was a "fascist" demonstration in a park so he showed up and joined in the fun. He lives in an apartment in Charlottesville.,
First Name : Colin
Last Name : O'Malley
State : NY
Approx. Age : 39
Facebook :
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership Sexual Abuse Antifa Upstate Antifa
Colin O'Malley is an anarcho-communist leader from the Rochester and formerly Buffalo NY area. He was the leader of Metro Justice (a communist front group that does protests in upstate NY). He is one of the leaders of Antifa in the area and most of his Metro Justice group was involved in it as well. He was accused of rape by multiple ex-partners and admitted he did it and apologized. He's a self-admitted anarchist and communist, yet regularly gets fawned over uncritically by the local media as a local protest organizer and activist while ignoring his obvious anarchist and communist beliefs. After the rape accusation, he quit Metro Justice and began working at the Rochester-Genessee Area Labor Federation.