Reports Found : 161
Number Pages : 9
First Name : Tristan
Last Name : Taylor
State : MI
Approx. Age : 39
Tags : Leadership BAMN
Tristan Armond Taylor (DOB: 05/23/83) is a Detroit BLM leader who helped organize the violent Detroit Will Breathe protest in August 2020. Taylor was arrested and charged with inciting a riot, but charges were later reduced. In October 2020, he was charged with assaulting a police officer. It may have been riot related but he was also charged for refusing to provide a DNA sample in the same incident so it may have been related to a major criminal investigation. In 2021, he protested against the World Economic Forum meeting in Detroit. He's a writer for the Left Voice news outlet and he works as an organizer for the radical group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). Some sources describe him as DWB co-founder Nakia Wallace's boyfriend by he's over a decade older than Wallace. He lives in a nice little house in the Bagley neighborhood in Detroit.
First Name : Nakia
Last Name : Wallace
State : MI
Approx. Age : 25
Twitter :
Tags : Leadership Detroit Will Breathe
Nakia Renea Duprea Wallace (DOB: 12/16/96) is a leader and co-founder of the BLM aligned protest group Detroit Will Breathe. Wallace was arrested at a violent BLM protest in Detroit in 2020. Police had to put her in a chokehold to subdue her and BLM activists later made a big deal about the use of the chokehold. She appears to have had her charges dismissed. In an interview, Wallace refused to condemn violence at BLM protests. Her Twitter feed is filled with racist Tweets. She has a B.A. in African American studies and works for a non-profit. Wallace lives in an apartment in Detroit.
First Name : Toussaint
Last Name : Romain
State : NC
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
He's a former public defender and college professor who acted as a human shield for rioters during a 2016 riot in Charlotte. He's currently (2022) the Executive Director of the Center for Legal Advocacy.
First Name : Kecia
Last Name : Doolittle
State : CA
Approx. Age : 35
Twitter :
Tags : Leadership Direct Action Everywhere
Kecia K. Doolittle is a member of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE). She was DxE spokesman Matt Johnson's girlfriend for a while and the two may still be romantically involved. She founded Project Counterglow which created a directory of "factory" farms, presumably so activists can stage "actions" at the farms. Doolittle disrupted an Elizabeth Warren speech in 2020. She previously disrupted a Warren speech in Iowa in 2019. She was pissed Warren backed a bill that prohibited manufacturers of fake soy milk from using the word "milk" on packaging. In August 2022, she put on a Darth Vader mask and ran onto the field during a SF Giants game. She had a previous charge for trespassing which may have been related to an "action" at an Iowa farm. Doolittle lives in what appears to be a group house in Berkeley where a lot of DxE members live.
First Name : Ariel
Last Name : Stone
State : OR
Approx. Age : 60
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa Leadership
Ariel Stone is a rabidly radical rabbi affiliated with Portland's Antifa. Our group has known about Rabbi Stone for some time but held off on reporting her because we were uncertain how radical she was. Andy Ngo recently reported that Stone uses Antifa/anarchist imagery on social media (see pics) and she's claimed that she learns from Rose City Antifa. Stone organized the radical Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance (PICR). The group admits to attending numerous Portland protests/riots including the violent counter-protest of a 2017 Patriot Prayer rally. Unfortunately, the clerics have rarely had the opportunity to perform last rites on Antifa. She posted a Rosh Hashanah sermon on her website and said "rising fascism" is one of the evils facing America. Stone has a PhD in Jewish Studies with an emphasis on mysticism. She lives in Portland and is the rabbi for Congregation Shir Tikvah (Song of Hope) in Portland.
First Name : Priya
Last Name : Sawhney
State : CA
Approx. Age : 33
Tags : Leadership Direct Action Everywhere
Priya S. Sawhney (DOB: 04/27/89) is an animal rights activist with Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), a radical animal rights organization that engages in animal kidnapping among other crimes. As of 2019, she was one of the four elected leaders of DxE. She was arrested in 2019 for disrupting a speech by Jeff Bezos and was charged with trespassing and burglary. She was previously arrested for trespassing on a chicken farm. She has arrests for criminal conspiracy, grand theft fowl, committing a felony offense while released on bail, petty theft and unlawful assembly. She claimed in an interview to be facing seven felony charges carrying up to a decade in prison. She's voiced her support for abolishing the police, prisons and capitalism. Sawhney has been kind of quiet lately, probably on the advice of her lawyer. She was born in the Punjab state of India and claimed seeing stray dogs leg her to suicidal thoughts. She has a communications degree from San Franciso State University. Sawhney claims she was bullied and called a terrorist after 9/11. Who would have thought that kids could be so prescient. She lives in a respectable house in Berkeley.
First Name : Michelle
Last Name : Higgins
State : MO
Approx. Age : 41
Twitter :
Tags : Leadership
Michelle Joanna Higgins (DOB: 07/18/81) is a United Church of Christ (UCC) minister who was arrested at a 2017 riot over the acquittal of an officer in a 2011 St. Louis shooting. She was charged with failure to disperse. She was interviewed in an article that bitched about police releasing mugshots of arrested rioters. Higgins attended many protests and claims to have been triggered by the sight of a person she believed was an undercover cop. Higgins is the Senior Pastor at St. John's UCC in St. Louis, a "black led" church in an extremely liberal denomination. She was previously a minister at a conservative Presbyterian parish in St. Louis. She lives in a fairly respectable row house near downtown St. Louis. Higgins may not be as radical as some in the "social justice" movement but she's radical enough to get arrested at a violent protest.
First Name : Sam
Last Name : Spiegel
State : CA
Twitter : (Inactive)
Tags : Leadership
According to research by The Federalist, Spiegel is one of the organizers behind the extremist pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us which has protested illegally at SCOTUS justice's houses. The Federalist claims Spiegel is the Treasurer for the "Unseat" PAC. This PAC shares a P.O. Box with Ruth Sent Us. He claims to have a PhD and is described as a Democratic activist. His residence is uncertain. Spiegel's Twitter account claims he lives in a "purple" state but Ruth Sent Us seems to be based in the SF Bay Area so California is a good a guess as to his home as any. Samuel Justin Spiegel Owns: RuthSentUs and VigilForDemocracy spiegel.html spiegel/aaWcxSCD9ZYwPQ5iTkovEH a670f6a5b1e04d63overview Stanford is very close by Palo Alto. It wouldn't be too far fetched to say this is the guy. He is a supposed doctor who works at Stanford University Hospital. He has a P.O. Box which is in Palo Alto, not far from Stanford. His official Faculty Residents page on the Stanford site is down which suggests he had it taken down due to fears. He doesn't just own RuthSentUs but VigilForDemocracy as well which is another group embedded within this type of stuff. His full name is Samuel Justin Spiegel.
First Name : James
Last Name : Hoberman
State : CA
Approx. Age : 67
Twitter : (Inactive)
Tags : Leadership
James Perry Hoberman, aka Perry Hoberman, (DOB: 12/09/54) is an artist and a spokesman for Revcom affiliated Refuse Fascism who is or was on their national steering committee. Hoberman was one of the signers of a Refuse Fascism open letter to the media requesting more press coverage. He was also one of the organizers of the Nov. 4, 2017 Refuse Fascism protests that were apparently an unsuccessful attempt to start a revolution. Hoberman wrote a 2018 article advocating an insurrection, claiming that "fascism" can't be voted out, it has to be driven out. He's another statist who doesn't like paying his taxes and he's had several sizeable state and Federal tax liens. He's worked as a visiting or adjunct professor at many universities including USC even though he only has a B.A. degree. Hoberman co-owns a house in Twenty-Nine Palms out in the desert with a woman who's probably his S.O. He also rents a bachelor pad in L.A. (USC bio)
First Name : Tala
Last Name : Deloria
State : CA
Approx. Age : 27
Tags : Leadership
She's an organizer for Refuse Fascism who was one of the UCLA Five who disrupted a speech by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin in 2017. Deloria was banned from campus for a week. She was the leader of the Revcom affiliated UCLA Revolutionary Club and a volunteer for the Bob Avakian Institute at the time. Previously, in 2014, she participated in a UCLA protest against the killing of the Ferguson dude. In 2015, she was arrested for shutting down the 405 freeway. At a Holocaust Museum sponsored free speech forum on campus she took the microphone and refused to give it back. She claimed in an op-ed for the student newspaper that attempting to engage in civil discourse with conservatives merely "serves to fan the flames of fascism."
First Name : Samantha
Last Name : Goldman
State : PA
Approx. Age : 41
Twitter :
Tags : Leadership
Samantha Blair Goldman (DOB: 03/22/81) is the host of the Refuse Fascism podcast which is sponsored by the group Refuse Fascism which is in turn sponsored by the Revolutionary Communist Party. She also works as an organizer for Refuse Fascism. She organized a pro-abortion protest in NYC in 2018 at which the women, in a stroke of ingenious originality, dressed as handmaids. In 2019, she organized an anti-Trump protest at the Army-Navy game. During a 2020 drive-by protest at City Hall by Trump supporters who wanted Philadelphia to reopen, Goldman blocked several lanes of traffic with her Prius. She also organized a 2020 COVID protest in front of Trump's gold club in New Jersey at which protesters dumped body bags. She claims to teach children so she may have a side gig as a substitute teacher. She lives in an apartment in south Philly.
First Name : Andy
Last Name : Zee
State : CA
Twitter : (Inactive)
Tags : Leadership Occupy
He's the co-founder and a national organizer for Refuse Fascism. He's basically the mouthpiece of Bob Avakian's Revolutionary Communist Party, a group that seriously wants to start a revolution. Zee is extremely active in promoting the commie cause and has given hundreds of interviews. He was involved with the Occupy movement in the early 2010s. He's been hosting the Revcoms "Revolution, Nothing Less" YT show for a few years. Zee gave a talk at Revolution Books NYC on "Why This is a Rare Time When Real Revolution Becomes Possible" in 2021. Zee is a sharp dressed man. In recent year's he's taken to wearing a jaunty hat that matches his clothing. He gives his YT podcast from L.A. so that's where I assume he lives although the Revcoms are based in NYC. (His show and other commie crap)
First Name : Robert
Last Name : Avakian
State : NY
Approx. Age : 79
Tags : East Coast Network """Intellectuals""" Leadership
Robert "Bob" Bruce Avakian (DOB: 03/07/43) is the founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party (Revcoms), a Maoist group. Some left-wing groups who aren't as extreme consider the Revcoms to be a personality cult centered around Avakian. The Revcoms recently launched a pro-abortion group known as Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. Avakian predates Antifa by several decades, but he's been a huge influencer of extreme-left ideology. He became involved with the radical Students for a Democratic Society in the '60s and later the Black Panthers. He's written many books and produced several movies including, "The Trump and Pence Regime Must Go! We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America" and "Why We Need an Actual Revolution and How We Can Really Make Revolution". Avakian was arrested in the '70s for burning an American flag. Avakian assaulted a police officer in 1979 and fled to France. He returned to the U.S. after the charges were dropped for some reason. He currently lives in NYC, possibly in Harlem.
First Name : Lori
Last Name : Sokol
State : NY
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
She's one of the co-founders of the Revolutionary Communist Party (Revcom) linked Rise up 4 Abortion Rights group. She's attended numerous pro-abortion protests in the NYC area. Sokol works as the Executive Director at Women's eNews. She wrote a book titled "She is Me: How Women Will Save the World". Sokol lives in Manhattan.
First Name : Julianne
Last Name : D'Eredita
State : TX
Approx. Age : 21
Tags : Leadership
Julianne K. D'Eredita is a member of the RevCom affiliated Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. The liberal pro-abortion establishment doesn't seem to like Rise Up much because of its association with the commies. In 2022, D'Eredita traveled from Texas to NYC to crash an abortion rally featuring AOC and threw a green scarf at her. She was also one of the three women who stripped down to their underwear during a service at Joel Osteen's mega-church, reportedly giving the 59 year old Osteen the first erection he's had in years. Men were taking 20s out of the collection plate and stuffing them down her underwear:) D'eredita was reportedly the leader of the Rise Up delegation. She was a figure skater in her youth before she blimped out and now looks like a female WWE star when she's in her undies. She attended a Roman Catholic high school so maybe this whole anti-abortion thing is rebellion against her youth. Although media reports list her residence as Austin, D'Eredita is a student at Texas State University in San Marcos, a school that's known for hard partying. When she's not in school she lives with her father in a very modest house in Sugarland on Houston's south side. (Video)
First Name : Justin
Last Name : Johnson
State : MD
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Aka "Yaddi", aka "Yaddiya", he's a hip-hop performer and the founder of Long Live Go-Go, a group that organizes hip-hop dance party protests. Long Live teamed up with radical group Shutdown DC to hold a probably illegal protest in front of the Postmaster General's home in 2020. Johnson emceed nightly protests at the White House in 2018 which advocated the debunked conspiracy theory that Trump colluded with Russia. He claimed, "There's no question Go-Go is the official protest sound." His protest "brand" is Moechella and he organizes protests under the name. He received a cease and desist order from Coechella to stop using the name. Johnson supported anti 2nd Amendment legislation in 2022. He lives in Silver Spring, near D.C.
First Name : Jonathan
Last Name : Butler
State : DC
Approx. Age : 32
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership Federally Charged
Jonathan Louis Butler (DOB: 06/06/90) was arrested at a 2019 Greenpeace occupation of a bridge over the Houston Ship Channel. He was Federally charged with impairing the operation of critical infrastructure as well as several state charges. He describes himself as a political activist and organizer. Butler was one of the primary instigators of the unrest on the U of Mizzou campus in the mid 2010s and worked with several BLM or radical groups. He launched a hunger strike demanding the resignation of Mizzou's president. He has a masters degree in education from the University of Missouri. Butler is the founder of advertising firm Moyo Wazi, LLC. He was previously a rep at an AIESEC local. He's a photographer and has a book pending release. Butler probably lives in the D.C. area as of 2022 but he lived in Columbia, Missouri for many years and has ties to California and to Omaha where he grew up.,
First Name : Lucas
Last Name : Hubbard
State : OR
Approx. Age : 31
Tags : Leadership Socialist Rifle Assocation
Lucas Ariel Hubbard (DOB: 01/29/91) is the SRA's Communications Director. Hubbard helped the Southern New England chapter of the SRA shill for donations to build an indoor shooting center. Hubbard works as a sound engineer at Sprout City Studios. He lives in the Eugene suburb of Springfield.
First Name : Nee
Last Name : Taylor
State : VA
Approx. Age : 40
Tags : Leadership
Nee Nee Taylor is a BLM radical who's also affiliated with Shutdown DC. Taylor seems to be some sort of liaison between Shutdown and BLM. She also works for Harriet's Wildest Dreams, a BLM police abolitionist group. In 2020 she demanded that D.C. hotels shutdown during the J6 rally, presumably so Trump supporters wouldn't have anywhere to stay. She claims to have had an anxiety attack at the 2021 inauguration when she saw National Guard troops. She was unhappy with the black establishment Juneteenth festival in 2022 so she organized a festival of her own. She lives in Cumberland, Virginia outside Richmond but may maintain an apartment or sofa surf at friends' residences in D.C.,,,
First Name : Elizabeth
Last Name : Butler
State : WA
Twitter :
Tags : Leadership Occupy
AKA Liz Butler, AKA Liz Paulson, she's an organizer for Shut Down DC and vice president of organizing and strategic allegiances for Friends of the Earth Action. She seems to work for Movement Catalyst, a group closely allied with Shut Down. Shut Down D.C. is a radical environmental group that's diversified into abortion protesting. Butler's bio claims she's been an activist for 30 years. She participated in the Occupy sponsored 99% training program in the early 2010s. She was also one of the teachers at the Resist Trump training camp. Butler later organized Shut Down DC's May Day celebration in 2020. In 2019 she was quoted in an interview as saying, "The traffic shutdown is meant to send a particular message to D.C.'s powerful political elite. Participants are targeting heavily-trafficked intersections and streets, according to Butler, though she declined to say which ones. Shut Down D.C. has published several maps detailing information about traffic volume, levels of employment downtown and sites where prominent oil and gas lobbyists work. Our goal is to bring the city to a standstill … there will be people throughout the city focusing on making that happen". In 2020, she organized a vigil to remember the J6 "insurrection". She's really chunky in older pictures but seems to have dropped a lot of weight as she aged. Shut Down D.C., as you may have guessed, is based in the District of Columbia but Ms. Butler lives in the other Washington near Mt. Rainer.,,