Reports Found : 4825
Number Pages : 242
First Name : Michael Benjamin
Last Name : Salonius
State : CA
Approx. Age : 50
Facebook :
Instagram :
Twitter :
Tiktok :
Youtube :
Michael Benjamin Salonius of Crescent City, California, is a lifelong Antifa and one of ten people involved in the formation of the violent Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) movement in the 80s. He also may have ties with the Santa Clarita Valley Antifasicts, a black bloc group operating in north LA. Salonius is a former IDF veteran who served in a special religious extremist unit in the West Bank sometime in the 90s. He would return to the US to become a rabbi and continue his involvement in Antifa. He is now living on Indian land in northern California but regularly visits LA. He is a TikToker and Instagram influencer who discusses mental health and cottagecore lifestyles. Armed and dangerous, he has planted explosives per his own admission and is connected to the now-defunct Jewish Defense League, an FBI-designated terror cell.
First Name : Joseph
Last Name : Allman
State : CA
Approx. Age : 25
Facebook : JAllmanFlies
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
Joseph Roberto Allman (Born Dec. '98) is a member of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE). He was the SF Bay area chapter's member of the week in late June 2024. He works in video production and holds a pilot's license. He's from Rochester, New York originally but his last known address was an apartment in San Francisco's Chinatown neighborhood. See pic for verification.
First Name : Keith
Last Name : Hardaway
State : CA
He's a member of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE). He was the SF Bay Area chapter's member of the week in early July 2024. He's also an organizer for the Democratic Socialists of America. Hardaway may work as a software engineer for Docusign but we're not sure it's the same person. He lives in the SF Bay area.
First Name : Jonathan
Last Name : Melrod
State : CA
Approx. Age : 74
Facebook : jonathan.melrod
Jonathan "Jon" D. Melrod (DOB: 06/10/50) is an old geezer who's a communist lawyer and retired UAW operative. He's affiliated with the communist group Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) but may not be a member. Despite his age, he's still active in the radical community. Melrod has been a radical activist since at least the 1970's and was investigated by the FBI. He's given several talks to FRSO's FightBack! news outlet. He became radicalized during the Vietnam war and worked for "black liberation". He worked in factories for years but went back to school and earned a law degree. Melrod authored a book titled, "Fighting Times". He married a mail order bride from the Philippines and lives in a house valued at over $2 mil. in Sebastopol in the Napa Valley. Since he married the Pinay ho, Melrod has become active in the Philippine "liberation" movement.
First Name : Troy
Last Name : Kokinis
State : CA
Approx. Age : 36
Instagram : tandreasaraizak (Private)
Tags : """Intellectuals"""
Troy Andreas Ariaza Kokinis (Born Jun '88) is a lecturer at the University of California - San Diego who wrote a book titled, "Anarchist Popular Power: Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay, 1956-76‘. He went on a tour to promote the book and gave lectures at several anarchist bookstores including Red Emma's in Baltimore. The Black Rose Anarchist Federation boosted his book.,
First Name : Sidnee
Last Name : Grubb
State : CA
Approx. Age : 28
Facebook : sidnee.grubb
Sidnee "Sid" Lenora Grubb, aka Lenora Grubb, (Born Apr. '96) is a saleswoman for the Portland based radical bookstore and publisher Microcosm Books. She moved from Portland to the L.A. area in 2022 with her boyfriend and probably lives in Van Nuys.
First Name : Jared
Last Name : Hamil
State : CA
Approx. Age : 36
Facebook : jared.hamil.1
Twitter : @jaahamil
Jared Anthony Hamil (Born Aug. '87) is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), a group allegedly funded by communist China. He traveled to Venezuela with a labor delegation in 2020. He's a driver for UPS and a Teamster. Interestingly, quite a few FRSO members are UPS employees. He lives in East L.A. with his wife Marisol Marquez who's also an FRSO member.
First Name : Marisol
Last Name : Marquez
State : CA
Approx. Age : 37
Instagram : @xicanasol (Private)
Marisol Carmona Marquez (Born Dec. '86) is a self-described Marxist-Leninist Chicana and a member of the communist Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). She works for the group Legalization 4 All, a group that wants to give all 12 million illegal aliens citizenship. Her parents were illegals from Mexico who were granted amnesty in the 1980s. She believes the American Southwest belongs to Mexico and refers to the region as Aztlan. Marquez is married to FRSO fellow traveler Jared Hamil and lives in L.A.,
First Name : Leela
Last Name : Mehta-Harwitz
State : CA
Approx. Age : 19
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
Leela K. Mehta-Harwitz was the San Francisco chapter of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere member of the week one week in May 2024. She's a student at UC-Berkeley where she studies molecular biology and philosophy. She's from the upscale D.C. suburb of Silver Spring, Maryland originally. See pic for backup.
First Name : Amy
Last Name : Giver
State : CA
Approx. Age : 44
Facebook : amy.giver.5
Instagram : @surlygiver
Twitter : @SurlyGiver
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
Amy Mathilda Giver (Born Mar. '80) is a member of the Bay Area chapter of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE). She was DxE's member of the week in mid April 2024. She admitted on FB to illegally rescuing animals although she was never arrested. Giver appears to taunt prosecutors with a #ProsecuteMe tag on a photo. Giver works as an engineer at Kairos Aerospace. She's into cycling and cross-fit training and undertook a cross-country bicycle trip to raise awareness for bone marrow donations.
First Name : akeem
Last Name : muhammad
State : CA
Approx. Age : 32
Akeem Omar Muhammad (DOB: 04/03/92) was arrested along with his girlfriend, Blair Imani, at a 2016 riot in Baton Rouge. BLM was mad that an armed black man was shot dead by white police officers. Muhammad was later one of the plaintiffs in a suit against the city that earned a jackpot of over $1 mil. He was living in Baton Rogue at the time but now lives in California. Sadly, Muhammad and Imani broke up at some point and she married another man.
First Name : Blair
Last Name : Imani
State : CA
Approx. Age : 30
Instagram : @blairimani
Blair Elizabeth Imani, formerly Blair Brown, (DOB: 10/31/93) is a queer, bi-sexual Muslim who was arrested at a 2016 riot in Baton Rouge. Despite the fact she claims to be queer, she has a male "partner", Akeem Muhammad, who was arrested with her at the riot. Imani and her boyfriend were later plaintiffs in a suit against the city that netted a $1.16 mil. payday. One publication called her one of the most prominent activists in the U.S. which is probably a bit of an exaggeration. She's a published author who wrote "Modern HERstory: Stories of Women and Nonbinary People Rewriting History". She's so smart, she wrote a book titled, "Read This to Get Smarter". She hawks makeup, apparently mostly to white women, on her website. Imani has been an activist since she was a student at LSU. She converted to Islam in 2015, the same year she dropped out of law school, and changed her name to Imani because it's one of the days of Kwanza. Next to Shaun King, she has to be the whitest black activist to ever walk this earth. In some photos she looks positively Caucasian. Imani was living in Baton Rouge at the time of the riot but later moved to Pasadena, CA.
First Name : Jessica
Last Name : Aguilar
State : CA
Approx. Age : 29
Attended a 2017 Huntington Beach rally with 2 other Antifa -- Justin Fragosa ( and a man (First name Jesus, initials J.MA, full name unknown) and attacked MAGA protestors. Was convicted and got probation + suspended sentence An archived copy of the LA Times/Daily Pilot article posted above has her booking photo.
First Name : Justin
Last Name : Fragosa
State : CA
Attended a 2017 Huntington Beach rally with 2 other Antifa -- Jessica Agulair and a man (First name Jesus, initials J.M.A, full name unknown) and attacked MAGA protestors with Mace while in black block. Was then punched by Robert Rundo in well known photo Has prior convictions for an Occupy LA riot -
First Name : Alison
Last Name : Levy
State : CA
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
Levy was the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) Bay Area chapter member of the week in early March 2024. She's been involved with the group since 2020 and moved to the Bay Area in 2023. At age 11 she stopped drinking Coca Cola when someone told her Coke was racist. She claims to have been involved in radical politics since the Iraq war. She was arrested in 2009 at the U.S. Military Academy. Levy is working on a PhD in psychology and is into astrology.
First Name : Emily
Last Name : Pothast
State : CA
Approx. Age : 45
Facebook : emilypothast
Instagram : @emilypothast
Twitter : @emilypothast
Emily Ann Pothast (Born Dec. '78) drove from Oakland with her boyfriend to visit the CHAZ/CHOP zone and show support for the radicals. Pothast wrote a few blog posts and tweeted a live music performance from CHAZ. She was studying for a PhD in Historical and Cultural Studies of Religion at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley at the time. She posts a lot of left-wing trash on FB. Interestingly, her Pinterest profile has some sort of sex toy as the photo. Pothast lives in Oakland but has ties to Seattle and earned an MFA from the University of Washington. She described her parents as left-wingers.
First Name : Brandon
Last Name : Driscoll
State : CA
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
He was the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) Bay Area chapter member of the week in mid-February 2024. He admitted to participating in George Floyd riots in LA although he doesn't appear to have been arrested.
First Name : RG
Last Name : Cravens
State : CA
Approx. Age : 40
Tags : Southern Poverty Law Center
Dr. Royal Gene (RG) Cravens III is a senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center's controversial "intelligence project". He mainly writes Antichristian articles, fear mongering about Christian Nationalism and attacking Christians. Dr. Cravens was formerly a professor at CalPoly Slo and fellow at the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). He seems to have left CalPoly in favor of the SPLC near the end of 2022 according to a reply to a deleted tweet in a search responsive to his now deleted Twitter handle. He described himself as: "I am also an activist-turned-academic, having worked for and founded several non-profit and grassroots activist organizations serving marginalized populations in rural communities." SPLC "Hate Watch" article: Scholars page: Personal website: PRRI Page: Tweet:
First Name : Melissa
Last Name : Garfinkel
State : CA
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
She's an animal rights activist for Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) who got her start protesting the Iraq war. She was DxE's member of the week one week in January 2024. See image for documentation.
First Name : Joey
Last Name : Wieser
State : CA
Approx. Age : 32
Facebook : joey.wieser
Instagram : @joeywieser
Twitter : @JoeyWieser
Joseph "Joey" Wieser is a serial rioter who participated in three June 2020 riots in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle. He was at the front of the mob at one of the riots. He later participated in a July 2020 riot that was held to protest the dismantling of CHAZ/CHOP. Wieser was also at two other July riots and an October 2020 riot. He livestreamed footage from the riots and posted it on Facebook. Even though he was never seriously injured, Mr. Wieser sued the city. He works as a YouTube channel manager and now lives in Los Angeles. He's gay and has a black boyfriend to show that Black Lives Matter. Unsurprisingly, he's a police defunder. (pp. 207-211)