Reports Found : 322
Number Pages : 17
First Name : Michael
Last Name : Dusek
State : OR
Approx. Age : 47
Facebook :
Tags : Portland Antifa """Journalists""" Assault Weapons
Michael "Mike" Evert Dusek (born Sep. '76) was arrested at a May 2024 occupation of the Portland State University library and was charged with criminal trespassing. Unlike some of the Gaza encampments across the country, which don't always fit neatly into the left-right axis, the PSU takeover was an Antifa project. He appears to have been a thug Antifa brought in the protect their scrawny vegan asses. Dusek seems to be semi-homeless felon and has some serious felony priors on his record including charges for manufacturing / delivering a controlled substance, possession of meth, possession of a controlled substance, possession of MJ, criminal trespassing priors x2, multiple fugitive warrants, unlawful possession of a firearm, assault on family member impeding breathing / circulation, assault on family member after a previous conviction, attempt to commit a Class C felony, possession of burglary tools, criminal mischief x2, unlawful possession of a firearm, giving false information for issuance of a warrant, theft and interfering with an emergency call. See pic for backup. We ran out of room to list all his offenses in the pic. Dusek appears to fancy himself as an amateur journalist and was seen streaming from one of the many George Floyd riots in Portland. However, he was wearing a motorcycle helm and football shoulder pads, gear not worn by most real journalists. He was also charged with unlawful possession of fireworks in Sep. '20 which is probably riot related. He seems to earn a living selling newspapers for an outfit known as Street Vendors. PSU appears to have been in his territory.
First Name : Malik
Last Name : Bridgewater
State : LA
Approx. Age : 27
Tags : Weapons
He was part of a group of fine young men who plotted in 2016 to steal guns from a pawn shop and then use them to kill Baton Rogue police officers. Two of the plotters were teens. Bridgewater was charged with burglary and possession of a stolen firearm. BLM types were mad at the time that white police officers had shot an armed black man. The shooting led to a large riot at which over 200 rioters were arrested.
First Name : Omar
Last Name : Rashan
State : WA
Twitter :
Youtube :
Tags : Weapons Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
Omar Rashan is a leftist "gun youtuber" and a "friend" (possible member) of the violent far left group Puget Sound JBGC, a group that has carried out a terrorist attack in the PNW. PSJBGC - Gofundme's where he begs for sex change money - Band pictures (pre name change) - Likely (former?) workplace
First Name : Harry
Last Name : Hearns
State : WA
Approx. Age : 61
Facebook : rick.hearns.3
Tags : CHAZ CHOP Weapons
Harry Clinton Hearns, aka Rick Hearns, (Born Feb. '61) was part of the "security" team at CHAZ and was photographed wearing several holstered pistols. He eventually worked his way to head of security at CHAZ. NPR named him as one of the elder statesmen of the CHAZ zone. In an interview with the New York Times he claimed that local businesses at CHAZ pay for his protection which sounds suspiciously like a shake down. Hearns named Antifa as the group responsible for most of the violence and destruction at CHAZ. Hearns has a charge for use of a weapon but no other priors. He's seen in several social media photos posing with cops so I guess he isn't a complete cop hater. Hearns religious views seem a bit confused and he claims to love God and his uncle Lucifer. He has the Bible verse Matthew 10:34 tattoed on his left hand. The verse reads, "“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Hearns lives in the Seattle area and works as a private security guard.,
First Name : Angelo
Last Name : Hatziagelis
State : NY
Approx. Age : 51
Tags : Weapons
(Born Aug. '72), he's an anarchist who was arrested with his brother Andrew after police raided their home in January 2024 and found IEDs, semi-automatic rifles, ghost guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo. Police also seized anarchist literature and a red and black anarchist flag. The duo made a hit list of "human sacrifice" victims they wanted to kill. The two were against animal sacrifice but believed human sacrifice was permissible. The hit list named police, judges, politicians, banker "scum", corporate "scum" and celebrities. Angelo was a security guard at a Long Island elementary school which raises the question of whether the brothers were planning a mass murder of school children. The brothers are Greek and it will be interesting to see if they have any ties to Greece's extremely active anarchist community.,,
First Name : Shabazz
Last Name : Watson
State : SC
Approx. Age : 28
Tags : Assault Weapons Federally Charged
Shabazz Akeem Isiah Watson (born Sep. '95) is a drug dealer who was arrested for setting several businesses on fire during a May 2020 George Floyd riot in downtown Charleston. He caused over $200K in damages. This brilliant young man live-streamed his rampage. He pleaded guilty in 2023 and received a five year sentence in Federal prison. He had numerous priors for charges including possession of a controlled substance, impersonating a law enforcement officer, assault and battery, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, distributing or selling a controlled substance near a school, conspiracy to sell or obtain marijuana, sale or delivery of a pistol to and possession by certain persons, unlawful carrying of a pistol, use of a vehicle without permission and obstructing justice. This is the type of upstanding young man who attends "peaceful" BLM protests. He worked a day job as an electrician to supplement his drug dealing income. Watson lived in Saint Stephen in the low country north of Charleston prior to his arrest.
First Name : Christopher
Last Name : Winston
State : MO
Approx. Age : 29
Twitter : @BlackRedGuard1, Christofool94 (Old)
Tags : Socialist Rifle Assocation Weapons
Christopher Edward Winston (born Jul. '94) is a self-professed Maoist and a member of the DSA. He's a huge anti-Semite and a supporter of the terrorist group Hamas. Winston flies a communist African flag on his Twitter profile. While a student at St. Louis University in 2106, he was charged in a bias incident against Jews. He was later involved in his mother's neighborhood dispute in suburban St. Louis. The dispute was over loud dogs and trespassing but black activists tried to make it about race. Winston was accused of throwing an explosive device at playground equipment but was never charged. He later appeared on Dr. Phil's show when Phil tried to mediate the dispute. Winston has self published several books including, "How to Make Revolution and Influence People: Writings of a Black Maoist In 21st Century America". He's an officer in a group known as the Center For People's Self Determination. His last known address was in St. Louis.,, (Dr. Phil appearance)
First Name : Ezra
Last Name : Fry
State : TN
Approx. Age : 22
Tags : Weapons
Ezra M. Fry (born Feb. '01) is a tranny groomer and a self-described "rabid queer, gender anarchist and college dropout" who worked as a substitute elementary school special ed teacher in the Hamilton County school district near Chattanooga. It was arrested in October 2023 in an undercover prostitution sting. A cop posing as a perv looking for tranny poon contacted Fry on a prostitution website and set up a meeting for $150. The officer traveled to Fry's home where he was led to a back bedroom where he arrested Fry and its "husband". Police found lots of drug paraphernalia and a gun. Both were charged with prostitution, possession of drug paraphernalia and unlawful possession of a firearm. Fry told cops it had been working as a prostitute for years. Fry reported forced the kids it taught to call it "Mrs" which upset many parents. It's registered in the NPI database as a behavior technician but the government misgenders Fry. It lives with its "husband" in the Orchard Knob neighborhood of Chattanooga.
First Name : Peter
Last Name : Gelderloos
State : VA
Approx. Age : 41
Tags : Weapons
Peter A. Gelderloos (born Aug. '82) is an anarchist writer and activist who preaches violent protest. He was arrested in 2002 for protesting at the American military training facility School of the Americas in Georgia. He was also arrested at a 2007 protest in Spain at which explosives were used but was acquitted of those charges. He advocates violence and he's written books titled "The Failure of Nonviolence: From the Arab Spring to Occupy" and "How Nonviolence Protects the State". He's quoted as saying, "Violence doesn't exist. It is not a thing." Gelderloos dropped out of James Madison University. He lives with a younger man (boyfriend?) in a $1 mil. home in Northern Vienna, Virginia. As of 2023, he was suffering from a potentially fatal brain tumor but unfortunately, hasn't died yet.
First Name : Logan
Last Name : Grimes
State : MI
Tags : Weapons Antifa tranny Logan 'Leslie' Grimes arrested N of White House on morning of Jan 6 2021. Charged with carrying a gun without license, unregistered ammo & a large capacity ammo device — DC describes as a "mag, belt, drum, feed strip” capable of accepting > 10 rounds. Charges were quickly dropped by feds
First Name : Leonard
Last Name : Voiselle
State : GA
Approx. Age : 21
Tags : Weapons Defend the Atlanta Forest
Leonard Zen Voiselle, aka Leonardo Zen, was indicted on RICO charges in Sep. '23 stemming from the Atlanta forest defense. According to the indictment, Voiselle entered the forest in December 2022 and brought along a backpack full of explosive fireworks. Antifa made extensive use of pyrotechnics during their illegal occupation of the forest. (p 75-76)
First Name : Courtney
Last Name : Donelson
State : MN
Approx. Age : 30
Tags : Assault Weapons
Courtney Shantell Donelson (born Jun. '93) was arrested at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland and charged with failure to disperse. She was charged in 2019 with aiding an offender to avoid arrest and assault with a dangerous weapon causing bodily harm which may have been riot related. She has other charges for trespassing and domestic assault. She appears to have served a year in jail and two years' probation but we're not sure for which crimes. She was a guest speaker at the 2016 national convention of the radical New Students for a Democratic Society. She works for a housing agency and lives in an apartment in the Union Park neighborhood of St. Paul.
First Name : Krystal
Last Name : DiPippa
State : PA
Approx. Age : 40
Tags : Assaulting Police Weapons Federally Charged
She's a domestic terrorist who was federally charged in 2023 for dropping smoke bombs and shooting fireworks at police at a Michael Knowles event on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Several officers were injured in the attack. She was charged with conspiracy, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and using an explosive device to commit a federal felony. Her husband, Brian, was indicted for the same crimes. The couple faces up to 10 years in prison and a $750K fine.,, (Indictment)
First Name : Brian
Last Name : DiPippa
State : PA
Approx. Age : 36
Tags : Assaulting Police Weapons Federally Charged
Brian D. Dipippa, aka “Peppy”, (born Oct. ’86) is a domestic terrorist who was federally charged in April 2023 for dropping smoke bombs and shooting fireworks at police at a Michael Knowles event on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Several officers were injured in the attack. He was charged with conspiracy, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and using an explosive to commit a federal felony. His wife, Krystal, was indicted for the same crimes. The couple each face up to 10 years in prison and a $750K fine. He was under FBI surveillance when he triggered an explosives alarm while attempting to board a flight. He was arrested shortly thereafter. The DiPippas are long-time radicals and belonged to a now defunct radical group known as the Pittsburgh Organizing Group. The group picketed a Marine Corps recruiting station in 2007 which was vandalized later that night. His only prior was an old disorderly conduct charge in 2006, probably related to an anti-war protest. He works (worked?) as a software engineer at UST Global. He lives in a fairly nice house in the Greenbriar neighborhood of Pittsburgh., (Indictment) He was one of the founders of the "It's Going Down" radical media outlet. He plead guilty and received a 5 year prison sentence.
First Name : Kimbrady
Last Name : Carriker
State : PA
Approx. Age : 40
Facebook : kimbrady.carriker
Tags : Assault Weapons
Kimbrady F. Carriker (DOB: 10/27/82) is a tranny BLM activist who shot seven people, killing five of them, in the City of Brotherly Love in July 2023. Two of its victims were children. It chose its own neighborhood to shoot up. Unlike police in some states, Philly police actually have balls and officers chased him in a moving gun battle for several blocks. Unfortunately, it was taken alive. Its FB is now scrubbed but it allegedly had posts about black massacres and evil spirits. Carriker had priors for attempted murder, weapons offenses and drug possession. It was described by people who knew him as smart but aggressive. Carriker will presumably spend the rest of its life in prison as someone's "wife", but it lived in the Kingsessing neighborhood of Philly in a crappy row house prior to its arrest.
First Name : Avery
Last Name : Harvey
State : NC
Approx. Age : 32
Tags : Assault Weapons
Avery Markel Harvey (DOB: 07/08/90) is a criminal thug who was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest of a Confederate monument in Graham. Harvey is described in media reports as a frequent protester and was arrested at six protests in 2020 and 2021. He was arrested at an April 2021 protest in Graham and charged with failure to disperse and violating a city ordinance and was charged with defacing a public monument at another protest. He has prior and subsequent charges for assaulting a female, simple assault, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, attempted robbery, breaking and entering, carrying a concealed gun, unsafe movement and carrying a weapon on educational property. The last charge occurred when he was in high school. Harvey was one of the plaintiffs in a 2020 suit against the city of Graham and the Alamance sheriff's office. He lives in either Burlington or Graham.
First Name : Cierra
Last Name : Tate
State : NC
Approx. Age : 37
Tags : Weapons
Cierra Arnette Tate (DOB: 09/19/85) was arrested at a BLM protest of a Confederate monument in October 2020 in Graham. She was charged with carrying a weapon at a protest. She had priors for failure to return rental property and DUI. Tate lives in a dumpy house in the Woodmere Park neighborhood of Greensboro.
First Name : Melissa
Last Name : King
State : NC
Approx. Age : 38
Tags : Assault Weapons
Melissa Marie King (DOB: 08/20/84) is a drug addict with a lengthy criminal record who was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest of a Confederate monument in Graham. She was picked up by the police because she had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear. She may have been charged with failure to disperse as were the rest of the arrestees. She was previously arrested in August 2020 in Graham for carrying a dangerous weapon (knife) near the courthouse, possession of meth, possession of Xanax and possession of drug paraphernalia. She claimed to be using the knife to remove fingernail polish. She’s truly an upstanding citizen. Also in 2020, she was arrested for filing a false police report when she claimed her daughter was sexually assaulted on a school bus. King admitted she wanted leverage against the school system in a lawsuit she planned to file. She had a 2021 arrest for selling marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. She has other drug related arrests as well and an arrest for simple affray (assault). Police reports list her as homeless but she seems to live in a modest rental house in Burlington.
First Name : Aubreanna
Last Name : Inda
State : WA
Approx. Age : 29
Facebook : aubs.inda
Instagram : @aubracado
Tiktok : @aubracado_
Tags : Weapons
Aubreanna Renee Inda (born Jun. '94) participated in a June 2020 George Floyd riot in Seattle. Ignoring common sense, she placed herself as a meat shield between other rioters and police. Predictably, she was hit in the chest by non-lethal ammo when police were forced to use crowd control measures because rioters were throwing rocks and shining lasers in cop's eyes. Inda claims to have died three times after she was hit. She claims to have participated in every Seattle riot up to the point she was shot. She has arrests later in 2020 for unlawful weapon, obstructing an officer and failure to disperse that are probably riot related. She had a California DUI in 2016 and a 2015 bond violation but it's unsure what crime she was out on bail for. Ms. Inda is easy on the eyes and seems to be an Instagram whore who enjoys posting barely decent pictures of herself. Other than her looks, her most notable physical feature is a sleeve tat on her right arm. She attended the University of Colorado - Denver and worked for a while at an animal hospital. At the time of the Seattle riots, she was a law student. Her last known address is in Seattle, but she has ties to Denver and her hometown of Santa Barbara, California.
First Name : Joshua
Last Name : Taft
State : GA
Approx. Age : 29
Instagram : @sadboymoneyjesus
Tags : Assaulting Police Weapons
Joshua "Josh" Taylor Taft (DOB: 06/02/94) is a Georgia Antifa who was arrested in April 2016 for throwing smoke bombs at police during a counter-protest to a far-right rally at Stone Mountain. He was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer. Among the participants were member of the TORCH network, BLM, Huey P. Newton Gun Club and Asheville Anti-Racism. Asheville Antifa held a benefit for him at the Antifa-friendly bar the Odditorium. It's unclear if Taft had any connections to Asheville ARA prior to the riot. Taft is a punk musician. He lives in a house in the Wilmington Island section of Savannah. There's another Joshua Taft of the same age who lives in Atlanta but he's an accountant with a master's degree and we're fairly certain he's a different person.